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Import the icons you want to use, you can do it in two ways:

Importing from main package#

To import the icons from the main package, you only need to import the icons you need from fleet-icons

import { AlarmFill, GiftFill, StarFill } from 'fleet-icons';

Importing the icons this way can make your app include all the icons available in fleet-icons, even if you are only using a few

Importing from a specific package#

To import the icons from a specific package, you just need to import the icons you need from fleet-icons/icon/<icon name>

import { AlarmFill } from 'fleet-icons/icon/AlarmFill';import { GiftFill } from 'fleet-icons/icon/GiftFill';import { StarFill } from 'fleet-icons/icon/StarFill';

It is recommended to import the icons this way, as it ensures that your application will only include the icons that you are actually using.

Add the icons to the app#

const App = () => {  return (    <div>      <AlarmFill />      <GiftFill />      <StarFill />    </div>  )}


AlarmFill Icon GiftFill Icon StarFill Icon